Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Being American.

                               I'll just give a warning now...this may shock my American friends.

one nation, under God

And while I've definitely written blogs before that were very influenced by the bible...this post is going to be blatant.

Up until the age of 18, I had never traveled outside of the United States. During my junior and part of my senor year of high-school I became consumed with politics and very concerned with the state of America.

I became wrapped up in an American identity, believing that freedom was being slowly stolen away as socialism crept in to control and subjugate citizens.

It consumed me. I started to become obsessed, passive aggressive, bitter and at times even hateful towards our government and the current political system.

But thank God that all changed.

Senior year my eyes began to open to the truth that no amount of obnoxious facebook posts, no rants, no t-shirts, bumper stickers, campaign calls or rallies could fix the problem. And more importantly I slowly began to shrug off that identity and I began to be consumed with finding my God-given purpose.

And then the trip that changed my life.

If you're friends with me on facebook or stick around long enough to ask about my interests, Southeast Asia is bound to pop up. Because I fell in love the moment I stepped foot onto foreign soil.

I am guilty of having the misconception that America was the church and that in other parts of the world people just don't have as much faith. I mean....if they can't understand Jesus in the English language or speak American "Christianese" then how are they truly saved.

I am sorely ashamed of my ignorance, my blindness, and my thinking towards my brothers and sisters in Christ outside of the United States.

But by God's grace my thoughts became revolutionized. I began to see that in areas where people were under the oppression of Communism (or any government that wasn't a democracy or republic) was where the church was heavily flourishing. And through many conversations with good friends and through much direction and enlightenment by the Holy Spirit I came to realize that this was because these people did not find freedom in temporary man made governments but in the blood of Christ that was shed and placed on the mercy seat and in Christ as their King.

And up until that point I realized that I identified more as an American citizen who's freedoms were found in the Bill of Rights rather than a eternal Kingdom citizen who's freedom is found where the Spirit of the Lord is.

I had more faith in the blood of my American forefathers who had shed it to secure freedom and liberty than I did in the blood of Christ who's blood was shed to give me total and complete salvation for every part of my being.

This is probably blasphemous to some. Its not that I hate America, that I'm denying or discounting the great sacrifice of our soldiers or counting the Declaration of Independence or Constitution worthless. Because I still think America is great. I am in awe at how this country was founded and at the divinely inspired documents that granted us freedom and rights.

But I have a clearer perspective now and I am learning to find my freedom in Christ, to live by the law of love and recognize that it is a higher law than any judicial branch may put into place. I've become keenly aware that America is not the whole world and that the Great Commission instructs us to go to every tribe, every tongue, every nation. My eyes have seen the hearts of people who live every moment aware that there is need out there, that others are praying in shrines to dead gods and that they are desperately searching for the truth. They are not wrapped up in saving their freedom, securing their rights, becoming indignant when elections don't come out in their favor. Because they've spent their whole lives living under the government of man, they've lived through wars and bloodshed and have had to deal with the aftermath. They are secure because Jesus is on the throne regardless of who is current ruler. They read the Word of God truly believing and living their lives with purpose because they realize there was 1 man who's bloodshed was enough to secure their freedom. They realize that the Word brings more peace than new regimes, different heads of government, or armed soldiers guarding them. They have faith in God to watch over them, not just the military.

Yes, my whole perspective is changed. I'm not going to melt if another Democrat gets elected. Truthfully, I don't really care because my purpose is unchanged, my path is not cut off, my mission is steady as ever and I am well equipped to secure it.

My assurance is from an eternal God in heaven, not a temporal government on earth and no matter what laws are passed and not passed I understand that I will continue to fulfill every chapter of the plan for my life regardless.

Furthermore, I realize battles are not won with guns. No weapon can ever make an evil ideology go away and history is proof of this. Hitler has been dead for decades and still we feel the hatred of racism. What then can swallow up death and conquer hate? Love. Battles are fought in a spiritual realm, where good really does conquer evil because good people choose to stop the spread of hatred and see people for people, not for their color, nationality, culture or heritage. They focus on unity in Christ rather than division of cultural or national borders.

Mark 16:15
In the end I find that enjoy my country without becoming bogged down with the politics and scandals and temporal things that will pass away. I know and have full assurance of my citizenship in heaven, thankful that God has placed me where I am, where He has taken me and where I have still left to go. And regardless of what a passport says or what corner of the earth I am in, I am, foremost, daughter of the King, citizen of the Kingdom.

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