Thursday, August 15, 2013


We are blessed to be a blessing.

But this time around as I try to bless others, I'm feeling like I'm getting more blessed in the process.

Pretty much since the day I got back from Cambodia I have been planning for when the Celebration of Hope Tour would come and perform at my dad's company and at our church. I tried to think of how I could possibly bless these people who had touched my life to the very core.

Getting ready to go to the animal park
I've never been the same since I traveled to Cambodia. I've seen these smiling faces, held some of their little hands, hugged them tightly. I've witnessed the joy and love that flows from their lives and how it spilled over into mine.

How can you possibly give that back in less than a 24 hour period?

Cupcakes were baked, food was prepared, we had all the children stay at our home and play and eat.

The experience of having all of them in my house is still very surreal! My heart is so full right now of the love I have for them and how blessed I was to watch them.

Regardless of how hard I tried to bless them, I still felt even more blessed. After their second performance that day everyone came back to my house for more food and I watched everyone playing and laughing. I sat and talked to new friends about hopes and dreams for the future and listened to one friend play the guitar.

Air mattresses were blown up, blankets, pillows and sheets collected and distributed and praise God everyone had a place to sleep (even thought it is much colder than they are used to in Cambodia!).

I left the basement after giving the boys extra blankets and pillows and checked the living room where the girls were sleeping on couches and recliners, nestled under a sea of blankets. I got to my room and looked at the peaceful sleeping faces of some of the girls who had drifted off to sleep and was so thankful to be able to share what I had with them.
Phally playing baseball

I found a spot on the floor and talked to another friend Pisey before we both fell to sleep. We talked about Cambodia and she asked me to pray for her country. Cambodia and her people are always on my heart to pray for them and as I drifted off to sleep I was so thankful to be able to talk with her and build another friendship. I have confidence that it will be a long friendship that will continue as I make trips back to Cambodia.

But last night it struck me even as I was thrilled to try and bless these kids, I realized that they have blessed me more. I was honored to have them in my home and to spend time with them as the take 6 weeks of their lives and pour into the lives of many Americans. I was blessed to talk and eat with them, to laugh and tell jokes and to just be their, soaking in how amazing it was to be there with them.

kids playing at the swingset and sandbox
I was blessed as Pastor Somalay shared her testimony with total transparency as well as Pisey. Pastor Sinai shared the vision and the dreams of New Hope for Orphans and a smile stretched across my face as I thought of the joy in each and every child in the children's homes in Cambodia and the hope that lives in their hearts now because of the love of Jesus and and the leaders who support them.

Vireak and Phearum
And they touched the hearts of so many dear friends. Our church was full of people who had come to see them perform and afterwards I heard many people say, "I can see now why you have such a heart for Cambodia and these kids." They too were touched by the contagious smiles, laughter, joy, love and hope that these children showed. I pray that they would always remember how their lives have been touched and that they would never be the same. To our hosts at Litco International and New Life Christian Center, thank you from the bottom of my heart for having the children come and perform. To everyone who helped with food and serving, I thank you for giving so much of your time and effort. That is truly a blessing. And to my 23 very good Cambodian friends and the Gepperts: thank you for pouring your lives out to touch the lives of others, for sharing your story without reservation, for showing love and giving it freely and for spending time with me. You have changed my life forever, for the better, and I am eternally grateful. God bless you.

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