Sunday, December 9, 2012


Let me just preface this blog with a side note that as I sit here and write this, the weather is absolutely perfect for writing. It is December and while I would love snow, I really don't mind a soft gentle rain pattering down on the roof while I write. In fact, it may be my favorite weather for writing in.

Anyway, sometimes inspiration comes at the oddest of times and when you least expect it. I just spent my weekend doing absolutely nothing as I recovered from all the baking and working last week and in preparation for the next 2 weeks of baking as Christmas quietly approaches. So I wasn't trying to think deep thoughts or really even think about anything...I was really focused on sleeping and doing nothing.

But then I picked up a book, which transported me to another dimension you can say, and once the thoughts got going, I just ran with them.

I've been thinking dreams lately. I guess you could say the idea of "dreams" the notion of it, the imagination, the beauty of its wild wanderings has always been with me. I've thought about dreams a lot. I would consider myself a dreamer.
a dimension of dreams.

One of the favorite stories of my childhood that my dad tells about me was when he took me to Mosquito Lake one time when I was about 3 or 4. It was a beautiful sunny day and he said that as we were getting out of the car the Lord spoke to him and said, "Watch her." This was not like a "watch her, something bad is going to try to happen," but more of a "watch her, watch how she acts and thinks and what her mindset and imagination is." He proceeds to tell how, with childlike innocence devoid of any prejudice or preconceived ideas, walked up to an older African American gentleman who was fishing and started a conversation about how his fishing was going, not caring about the color of his skin, his age or income or background.

When we were through with our adventure that day and started walking back to the car, I laid down on the pavement and told my dad, "Lay down and lets watch the clouds."

I love that.

I love how the imagination of a child works. Unless they have been preconditioned or taught otherwise, they are not bound by societies limitations regarding income, race, family background, religion, tax brackets, political parties or professions.I love how children don't think about whether doing something like laying down in the parking lot will look foolish or not.

And every once in a while I find the need to rid myself of all those ridiculous boundaries and prejudices that have snuck their way in too.

I like to be free to dream the impossible, the improbable, the unlikely, the unknown.

I like to take those cloudy areas and just lay down and watch them become clear cut goals in my mind.

My favorite movie growing up was Pocahontas. I loved the beauty of her wild freedom, the way that she seemed bound by nothing and her attitude that anything was possible. I think that stuck with me.

I have always sensed purpose. I have always sensed the need for freedom and imagination. I didn't necessarily say, "Hey, I dream of baking and taking a trip to Cambodia and trying to help children over there."

painting I did to serve as a little reminder :)

But I did allow myself to dream big, so when the time came I didn't automatically limit myself and say "I can't do that I'm only 18. Its not really going to make that big of an impact. I don't have time. I didn't even graduate from highschool."

I really don't believe that we were created with that kind of thinking. And I love talking to other people who dream. I recently had some great conversations with people. And when you start bouncing back ideas off of each other and there is no one there to instantly throw up barriers and questions, its amazing to see what you are capable of dreaming.

How big, how wide, how long, what kind, how far, where?

These questions should be asked and answered with the intention of creating a solution to fit the enormity of your dream, not as a doubtful response and excuse to not do something.

So I think that this is the season to start dreaming. Without dreams , nothing great could be accomplished. This is an easy task because Christmas is coming and the hope and energy that surrounds this season gives us the ability to dream easier.

Just start. Just do it. It doesn't matter if it is one of those wild thoughts that runs across your mind like wild mustangs across plains. Run with it...just see what happens.


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